We are here to help

When you are ready to share your story, we are here to listen. There is no time limit on reporting Intimate Partner Violence related incidents. You can reach an Intimate Partner Violence Coordinator at ipv@guelphpolice.ca. Please note that this email is not monitored 24/7, and it might take several days for a reply. 

To report a crime, please dial 911 if the incident is:

  • an emergency
  • in progress
  • an immediate danger to yourself or someone else

Otherwise, please call 519-824-1212.

Detective Constable Ashley McArthur and Detective Constable Meghan Hern

 What is intimate partner violence?

Intimate Partner violence includes the use or threat of physical or sexual force, including emotional, or psychological abuse, or harassing/threatening behaviour directed between partners with whom there is (or has been) an intimate relationship.

 Criminal Code offences include but are not limited to:

  • Homicide
  • Assault
  • Sexual assault
  • Threatening death or bodily harm
  • Forcible confinement
  • Harassment/stalking
  • Criminal Harassment
  • Break and enter
  • Other property-related offences
  • With intimate partner violence, the offence can range in severity from a slap to a homicide.

These crimes are often part of a pattern of assaultive and or controlling behaviour, such as economic control and social isolation. Threats can often include harming other family members, pets and property. The violence is used to intimidate, humiliate or frighten the victims and make them feel powerless.

 Police may be involved in the following manner:

  • As a result of a 911 call
  • You report it to the police by telephone or in person
  • A witness to an event may also contact the police
  • Initial response:
    • Responding officers will conduct a thorough investigation and a report will be submitted
    • If the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that an offence has occurred, the suspect will be arrested and a charge or charges may be laid
    • If the suspect is not present, attempts will be made to locate and arrest the accused

If the accused can not be found, an arrest warrant will be obtained. The victim will be advised once the suspect has been arrested

 What are the warning signs of intimate partner violence?

  • Personality changes (angry, moody, agitated etc.).
  • Becoming withdrawn, closed, suddenly fearful or secretive.
  • Difficulty sleeping or abnormally tired.
  • Lower self-esteem, feeling negative about themselves.
  • Neglecting personal hygiene or personal appearance.
  • Physical signs of injuries like bruises, sores and cuts.
  • Making excuses for injuries which seem implausible.
  • Hiding injuries with excessive make-up, sunglasses, extra clothing.
  • Appetite changes - weight loss or weight gain.
  • Starting to use substances or increasing in substance use.
  • Stops attending usual activities (church, gym, family and holiday gatherings).

If you see any of these signs of domestic violence, be there for the victim and listen, be non-judgmental, and help your friend or family member develop safety plans and contact resources.

 Safety Tips

The following is a brief list of Intimate Partner Violence safety tips:

 At Home

  • Leave the home or call police before the violence starts, if possible.
  • If possible, keep a charged cell phone with you at all times. Be aware that even if you have no minutes on a minute plan your cell phone will work to call 911.
  • If you need to leave your home or workplace, know the best escape routes and practice your emergency exit plans. Teach any children the escape route as well.
  • Plan where you can go if you need to leave. These places should be safe locations.
  • If possible, make a safe area in your home that you and children can go to when you feel threatened and cannot leave. Avoid kitchens, bathrooms, the garage and other rooms which contain anything that can be used as a weapon. Don't use a room without outside access.
  • If possible, change all the locks on the home and install an alarm system and good lighting such as motion detectors.
  • Keep your purse / wallet nearby if you need to leave.
  • Keep spare keys to your car and home with you or in a safe place.
  • Also keep copies of important documents in a safe place, preferably with a friend or family member outside of your home. These documents include:
    • Birth certificates
    • Passports
    • Driver's licence(s)
    • Insurance information
    • Bank information
    • Mortgage or lease papers
    • Immigration documents
    • Health records
    • School records
    • Other court documents
  • Keep a small bag of clothes packed and hidden.

 At Work

  • Make your employer/co-workers aware of your situation and ask them to call police if they see your partner around your workplace. Give them a photo of your partner if you have one.
  • Direct employers / co-workers not to give out your contact information to anyone and not to give out your work schedule.
  • Arrange for someone at work to walk with you to your car or walk with you from the building when leaving work.

 While Driving or While In Transit

  • If a problem arises while you are driving, use your cell phone to call police or On Star if you have it. Honk your horn, flash your lights and drive to a police station that you know is open or to a heavily-populated public place such as a well-lit coffee shop.
  • If you use public transportation, sit close to the driver. If you can, have a friend walk you home or meet you and walk you home together.
  • Let friends and relatives know where you are at all times. Also let them know the times you are expected home (and be home at those times) so that they can contact the police in the event you are missing.
  • Tell friends, neighbours and family about the domestic abuse and create a code word or signal with them to let them know that you need help so that they can call the police for you.

 With Children

  • Ensure that your children's schools and/or daycare provider has a copy of all orders, including all restraining orders, custody and access orders as well as a photo of the accused party.
  • Decide on a code word for your children to let them know to go and get help. Let them know where to go and how to use the phone to place a 911 call to police. Rehearse with them what to do and say.

 Reporting intimate partner violence

If you or someone you know is involved in an emergency situation, please call 9-1-1 immediately. Otherwise, call the Guelph Police Service non-emergency line at 519-824-1212.

If you need to leave your home and need to return to get your belongings, the Guelph Police Service can assist by attending the scene as you remove your belongings.

Our investigators are responsible for following up the incident, interviewing the complainant and assessing the person's level of risk. We also help the complainant navigate the legal system and connect the victim with support services within the community. If the person is at risk, we may move victims to a shelter or provide safety planning and other options. 

We also investigate all high-risk, habitual stalking offences, especially where there was a previous relationship.


What happens if I contact the police?

If you contact the police about intimate partner violence, the responding officers will conduct a thorough investigation and a report will be submitted. 

If the officer has reasonable grounds to believe that an offence has occurred, the suspect WILL be arrested and a charge or charges may be laid.

If the suspect is not present, attempts will be made to locate and arrest the accused. If the accused cannot be found, an arrest warrant will be obtained. We will contact you once the suspect has been arrested.

Police may become involved the one of the following ways:

- if you or someone else call 9-1-1 to report the incident

- you report it to the police by telephone or in person

- a witness to an event contacts the police

Who lays charges related to Intimate Partner Violence?

The GPS  will lay charges in all incidents of intimate partner violence where reasonable grounds exist to do so. Reasonable grounds can be established through witness statements, the existence of physical injuries, and/or other physical evidence such as damaged or broken furniture or other signs of a disturbance.

We understand that you might not yet be ready to speak with the police. Click here to see the 2024 Support and Information Guide for Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence.

Community Supports

We're here when you're ready, but in the meantime please consider contacting a Guelph Community Support Agency:


Community Event - Understanding Human Trafficking

Update: This event is full, and no further registrations are being accepted. We thank the public for their interest in this important topic and we will be offering further awareness events in the future. 

Our community is invited to join the Guelph Police Service, Women in Crisis, and Victim Services Guelph Wellington as we discuss the prevalence and impacts of Human Trafficking in our city.